
martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Computer Life Cycle and Computer Recycling

↪ What is the life span of a computer? ↩

The life span of a computer depends on many things, for example it depends on how often you use your computer, how you use it, for what, and the inicial equipment, like the brand or the power of the materials that is made of.

What are the causes for reaching this end of life? 馃憖

One of the main reasons why a computer reaches the end of it life is because of hard disk errors, computer electrical problems, and computer hardware malfunctions, problems occur when you over use the computer, or when you don't take care properly of your computer.

How can you extend your computer’s lifespan? 馃挱

You can extend the life of your computer by cleaning your computer once or twice in the month, or every time you can, but taking care of the stuff you use to clean the computer (don't use water and soap please 馃槀), is highly recommended to use special towels and cleaners to clean your computer, also you can protect your computer from power loss and try not to over use it, because you could overload the computer and it will feel warm (like really warm 馃槼).

A wise advice is to constantly do back-ups of everything you have in your computer, because you don´t when your computer will die.

What is Computer Recycling? 馃懢

Computer Recycling a.k.a as E-waste is "electrical and electronic equipment of any kind that has been discarded."

Why is important to dispose computers in a safe way?

It is important because e-waste leads to pollution and then pollution leads to human diseases. Sometimes some e-waste things have some toxic components and can be harmful for anybody that grabs those components. Recycling can be helpful to create new materials and products and to save our home, the Earth. 馃寧

↬ Here are a few links to videos with more details about e-waste:

Materials Used in Information Technologies


What Are Information Technologies?

          Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and internet to store, study, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. IT is considered a subset of information and communications technology (ICT).

Materials Used in ITs

          As we know, technolgy and it's various applications are evolving at a very fast rate.  As this occurs, more materials are needed for the creation of new applications.

          Listed here, we present to you some of those materials:

          Materials for silicon-based semiconductor devicesincluding high-k gate dielectric materials.

          Materials for nonvolatile memories

          Materials for on-chip interconnects and interlayer dielectrics, including silicides, barrier materials, low-k and ultra low-k dielectric materials.

          Materials for assembly and packaging

          Semi-conductor materials are based off of the synthesis of thin film materials, their properties, constitution, structure and microstructure. 

 Engineering Materials and Processes

          The Engineering Materials and Processes series focuses on all forms of materials and the processes used to synthesise and formulate them as they relate to the various engineering disciplines. The series deals with a diverse range of materials: ceramics; metals semiconductors; composites, polymers, biomimetics etc.  Each monograph in the series is written by a specialist and demonstrates how enhancements in materials and the processes associated with them can improve performance in the field of engineering in which they are used.

Here are the sources for my information:  

mi茅rcoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Alternative Materials

↬ What are alternative materials? ↫

Alternative materials are materials that don't need much energy in its use. They are also called low-impact materials because they don't need much for their manufacturation or transportation so the environment is less affected. 

Some examples of low impact materials or alternative materials that we can use in construction or im anything else actually are: 

1. Bamboo: 
It sounds weird, but actully you can use bamboo for a lot of things, for example, to make bed frames, phone cases, window frames, bamboo matting, and a lot of house items, bamboo is a natural material, is easy to get and if we adminstrate well this material it can be use instead of wood, or plastic. 

2. Clay:
Probably clay is the easiest material to get, because you only need to dig a little bit and you get some clay. Clay can be use to make roof tiles, decorations, the surface of a house, and it can be used instead of plastic and concrete. 

3. Cellular lightweight concrete uses: 
This sounds like a non common material, also known as CLC and it is, but if we start use it more, everyone is going to realize that is a better material that the actual concrete. Lightweight concrete is produced as normal concrte but under ecological conditions. And you can use it as same as you use normal concrete. I hope this new technology spreads around the construction world. 

So thats all the examples I am giving but here is a link that have a lot of examples if you want to know more: 

martes, 24 de enero de 2017

Alternative Energies


          You´ve probably heard these two words quite a lot, since it is becoming a very popular term.  Included here are eolic energy, hydroelectric energy, and solar energy.  

          We will be discussing the definition of each of the alternative energy.

        Hydroelectric Energy: The potential energy stored in the water held in dams is made to drive a water turbine and generator which in turn produces electric power. This form of energy generation is called hydroelectric power. 

        Solar Energy: This is the energy which the earth receives from the Sun. This is one of the most promising alternative energy sources, which will be available to the mankind for centuries to come. The only challenge remains to tap the solar energy in the most efficient way. The solar power generation is done by using a series of photovoltaic cells where the solar rays are converted into electricity.

         Eolic Energy: The power of the wind is harnessed to propel the blades of wind turbine attached to an electric generator to generate wind energy. Wind energy is an effective alternative source of energy in areas where the velocity of wind flow is high.

         Biomass Energy: This is the energy developed from the wastes of various human and animal activities like the by-products and wastes from timber industry, agricultural yields, municipal solid waste etc.

        To get more info about the topic you should check out my source!  馃槈

viernes, 20 de enero de 2017


➱What is Global Warming?

   Global warming is the gradual heating of the Earth. It starts with the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect helps the Earth stay warm, because of the greenhouse gases that trap heat in the Earth´s atmosphere. 

   Earth is our home so we must take care of it, but even though, we have change Earth´s atmosphere in a drastic way for the last two centuries.

   Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide, other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. More of this gases equals more warming.

   Some examples of human activity that contributes to the global warming are the smog that factories produce, the extreme use of cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc., forest fires, the burning of fossil fuels, among other things. 

Some people think that global warning doesn´t matter, but it affects way to much tu us and everything that is on this earth. Global warming is causing thing like melting poles (and they work as air conditioner for the earth), diseases like: asthma, allergies, respiratory problems, extreme weathers, rising sea levels, and else. 

Here is a the top 5 of the most polluted countries in the world: 
1. China
2. United States
3. Brazil                 
4. Indonesia
5. Japan 

⇝Here is a very short video explaing with more detail the greenhouse effect:

↬And also here is a cool link where I found a lot of info:

Robotics, Cybernetics, and Artificial Intelligence

What are Robotics? 

 Robotics is the branch of engineering that creates and design robots. The main source of a robot is batteries. Robots are made to use them in factories, to help produce cars, televisions, electrical house items, etc., they are mainly use to do repetitive works, that is more easy for robots than for humans also because is cheaper to maintain a robot than a human, they don't need payment, and they can work in any conditions. I think that this is a great advancement in technology. 

What are Cybernetics? 

Cybernetics is the science of communication and control theory that specializes in the study of automatic control systems. Cybernetics analyzes the ability of machines to respond or make adjustments, and helps giving feedback to machines. To power it up you need batteries, same as the robots.

                     ➭What is Artificial Intelligence? 

Artificial Intelligence is "the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior." They use electric power sources. A big example of artificial intelligence nowadays is the iPhone with what Apple call Siri, it works like this, you ask Siri whatever you want and she will answer to you. Artificial intelligence is use in engineering and medicine.

Here is a documental that explains with more detail this topic:

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


          Here, have this poster I did about recycling.

          Remember recycling is really good for the environment.

          Remember the three R's